Our experience with Comatose - the MicroCMS


February 23, 2010

In one of our projects which is primarily a web application, the client had asked that we go ahead and make as much of the copy available across the site, editable. This included not just copy in static pages such as “About Us”, but also copy in dynamic pages. I mean things like tooltips for fields in forms, for example.

We first looked at RadiantCMS, with the intention of building our web application on top of it. But then decided to instead build our web app from scratch and then make parts of it editable using Comatose [which is a “MicroCMS”]. This way, we have more flexibility to add features to the web app using the Rails API and available plugins, rather than being constrained by RadiantCMS system.

Things we liked about Comatose:

There’s of course a lot more you can do with this plugin. Check it out.

Now for the bad part :-(