RIP Jim Werich


February 21, 2014

It's very sad to hear the passing of Jim Weirich, a legend in the Ruby community. Like many others, we have immensely benefited through Jim's open source contributions at Multunus - that includes Ruby Koans and obviously  Rake.

While Rake needs no introduction for most Rubyists, Ruby Koans probably does:  It is a tool for learning theRuby programming language through a series of small exercises. We have included it as part of our training program for the newly hired and it has been of great help to our programmers.

Jim has also influenced us in a big way through his talks at various conferences. His talks, especially the ones on  Testing and  SOLID Principles helped a lot.

A few of our team members were fortunate enough to meet Jim atRuby Conf India 2013

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Thanks a lot Jim for inspiring us, you'll be greatly missed. RIP